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Days of Community (May 21-23)
Three days to spend with the VOCUE community, likely through organized events like movie nights or group discussion. Another option once the faith is bigger is things like small fairs selling things to help support both yourself and your community.
Day of the Higher Self (July 2)
A day to try and connect with your Higher Self’s beliefs, through whatever way most convenient for you (meditation, lucid or non-lucid dreaming, art, etc.) What beliefs to look for can be anything but a main one is what your higher self plans for your next Instance. You can also do this any day, but this holiday brings it to the forefront.
Day of the Awakening (29th October)
A celebration of the realization and naming of Vocueism. Simple things to do include baking, drawing related symbols and stories about the cycle of existence, hand shadow puppet shows and celebrating with others.
Days of the Ends of Instances (November 29th to Janurary 3rd)
A celebration of the knowledge we’ll one day pass onto our next instance and become aware of everything once again, free to choose what we will experience in our next Instance. The main theme is death and rebirth, symbols are things like baby animals, sprouting plants and stars. Things to do involve creative work with this theme, wondering what you might do in the next instance from your earth point of view, celebrating the lives of the dead on earth and the birth of new people on earth, the lives we live now, and celebrating our higher choice to experience the instance we’re in, making the most of it with the people we care for.
Days of The Arts (Feburary 10th, June 10th, September 10th)
Three seperate days where members will get together and show their art created for the events. Any medium is accepted as long as it's appropriate and religious themeing isn't mandatory.